San Paolo
In the first decade of the twentieth century, a manufacturing panorama began to take shape, within which the automobile and metallurgical sectors became increasingly important. The factory becomes the beating heart of the
economic and social life of the city. Thanks to the immigration of numerous families from southern Italy (due to the demand for work), San Paolo is growing demographically, the censuses reveal that only 25% of the population is originally from Turin Many unemployed people find employment in these workshops, and for generations the professional profession has been handed down to become one of the key drivers for the city. The village, together with the citizens has undergone significant transformations over the years, from farmers and peasants to workers, from workers to partisans, and finally today most of the village is inhabited by people from South America.In the end of 20th century the railway moved from the upper ground to the underground and because thetransportation is now easier and faster, it seems like the district is closer to the city centre and so the city seems smaller.In the early 90s the factories closed and moved to poorer countries. The people that once owned the factories now usethem as cultural centers like Sandretto Re Rabaudengo fondation, Merz fondation and OGR
Built on an old weapon and
was converted now for host
people in need and try to give
them a better life. This project is
divided on different sections: a
part is an hospital that is
completely free for poor people,
another is dedicated to hospitality
and rieducations for who arrives
from another country and there
are a lot of other sector that you
can discover visiting this
This is an art gallery built on the
production site.
You can see there a lot of
contemporary art pieces, like
compositions from Mario Merz
and other artist.
The exhibitions dipends from the
period of the year for alternate
the differtens people.
The OGR (officine grandi
workshop that was riconverted, at
the beginning of the 21st century,
in to a social area.
This place is divided on three
different areas: the OGR Tech
(exhibitions and offices), OGR
colture (history of the OGR),
TASTE (restourant).