Neighbourhoods in Copenhagen



About Orestad

Ørestaden is very different from other areas in Copenhagen. It's a new district that consists of big office buildings that are more spaced out. There are not that many people on the streets because all the shops and restaurants are located in the big shopping mall called Fields. South Ørestaden is a big contrast to Ørestaden. It is much more dense in south Ørestad and the buildings are not very high. They try to get people closer to each other and create the feeling of a community. The district of Ørestaden has been a playground for lots of architects and city planners. They have learned a lot about what not to do and how to build a liveable city for people.


About Vesterbo

Vesterbro is a mix of young teenagers, children, families and a living cultural life. Vesterbro is located in the Capital region, and it covers an area of 3.76 km², and has a population of 62.962. The name "Vesterbro" canliterally be translated into "Western Bridge", and refers to the paved road leading into the city through the Western Gate.

Learn more about the archtitecture, the history and the society of the neighbourhoods from our students' presentations

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