
Copenhagen Towers

Copenhagen Towers are buildings designed by the world famous archtiect Norman Foster from London. The furniture are eco-friendly. They were the first carbon dioxide neutral hotels in Denmark and the first Danish hotel to sign the United Nations Global Compact. The hotel get it´s energy from renewable sources, including northern Europe's largest solar park and it uses the first groundwater-based cooling and heating system.

8 House

The building shaped as the number 8 is named 8 House and it was designed by the world-famous Danish architect Bjarke Ingels. The building was finished in 2011 and it is located in the southern part of Ørestaden right next to Amager Common. The 8 House is shaped like the number eight, and consequently it has two fields in the middle where children can play and people can relax. Most of the apartments have a small front garden, and the people who live there have a place to park their bike and may even have a flower bed. It is even possible to ride a bike right up to your front door for most of the apartments. The intention with the building was to mix people of all ages and of different family constellations. Thus, you have both young and old people living there as well as singles and couples.

Click here to see photos of Orestad

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