Neighbourhoods in Vilnius



Where is it?

It is bordered to the north by Karoliniškės, and to the south-west by Lazdynėliai and Bukčiai. In the east, Lazdynų Bridge connects the district with Vilkpėde, in the west the Gariūnai Bridge leads towards Gariūnai. In the north-west, the Vilnius Western Bypass separates Lazdynai from Gudeliai district and Giruliai Forest.


Where is it?

Rasų Colony is located between Rasos, Užupis and the Old Town. TheColony is bounded by Druja, P. Višinskis, Balstogės, and Rasų streets, as well as the railway line.

Learn more about the architecture, the history and the society of the neighbourhoods from our students' presentations

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