
The main attractions

The Radnóti Miklós High School

The Radnóti Miklós High School in Cházár András Street. The art deco school was designed by Béla Lajta and was originally built as a Jewish school for boys. During WWII Captain László Ocskay saved thousands of Jews by hiding them in the building.


- the entrance doors

- the brick ornaments on the facade

The Synod of the Hungarian Reformed Church

The Synod of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Szabó József street. The beautiful art nouveau building was designed by Alfréd Hajós and János Villányi in 1909. It is also home to the congregation of Baross Square.


- huge windows

- elegant interior

The villa of Fülöp László

The villa of Fülöp László in Zichy Street. Painter Fülöp László is known for his portraits of royal and aristocratic personages. His villa looks like a Gothic castle and is one of the many villas built by artists in Istvánmező. Check out the villas of sculptors György Zala and Miklós Ligeti (both on Stefánia Road).

The Queen of Rosary Parish Church

The Queen of Rosary Parish Church on Thököly Road. The impressive Neogothic church was built between 1912 and 1915. Its bell tower is one of the tallest in Budapest.


- the stained glass windows by Miksa Róth

- the Tirolian cross which was donated to the church in 1931

The Institute of Geology

This majestic building was designed by the master of Hungarian art nouveau, Ödön Lechner in 1898.


- the cave-like entrance hall,

- the chandeliers,

- the beautiful Zsolnay pyrogranite ornaments on the facade.

Other highlights of Istvánmező:

- the Neo-baroque Stefánia Palace on Stefánia Road with its tranquil garden,

- the art nouveau Szenes House at 46. Thököly Road. Sneak in and walk around the beautifully ornamented central yard,

- the stone woman on the balcony at 61. Thököly Road.

Read about the legend here:

(The photos and the texts are the work of the students and teachers of Petrik Lajos Bilingual Vocational School. Made in January 2020.)

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